2021-11-27 9:25 AM
While I was working to upload firmware to a board STM32CubeIDE refused to upload code until i had updated ST Link from V2.J25.S7 to V2.J39.S7, while I wanted to comply I am getting the following error. Any help is appreciated.
2021-11-29 1:44 AM
Is the ST-LINK/V2 an original from STMicroelectronics or a clone?
2021-11-29 5:03 AM
Try a different cable, machine or port
2021-11-29 7:25 AM
Can you please suggest a way to check if the device is original or fake.
Here is the store from where i ordered mine.
2021-11-29 8:03 AM
robu.in is selling two different ST-LINK/V2: one clone and a genuine one. It should be the right one if it really is the one from your URL, i.e. an ST-LINK/V2 in a white plastic housing with the label ST. The other, cloned ST-LINK/V2 in an aluminum disk shell can be found here.
If it is the latter version, there may well be problems with an upgrade.
2021-11-29 8:21 AM
I have changed cable & port still facing the same issue,
2021-11-29 6:15 PM
I got it from the exact URL i posted previously, I will share a photo of it once I get back from work.
So any solution to the problem?
2021-11-29 11:28 PM
Do you happen to have a second ST-LINK/V2 to narrow down what/where the problem is?
2021-11-30 4:43 AM
Show a photo of your device.
2021-11-30 5:38 AM
I only have a single ST link connected.