2020-10-07 11:18 AM
Dear ST team,
PLEASE, could you provide a firmware for Nucleo ST-LINK chip on MCU boards which does NOT setup a (read-only) USB memory device?!
All the time when we connect a MCU board via USB to a host PC, this ARM mbed USB drive pops-up (and will be installed as an USB memory device) on host PCs.
Due to our company IT policies - USB memory devices are prohibited and any connection of such USB devices - such as all Nucleo boards with ST-LINK bridge - results in IT alerts to users.
PLEASE, remove this USB memory device from the ST-LINK (firmware). Thank you. Otherwise, we cannot use anymore any of your ST MCU boards.
Sincerely yours
Torsten Jaekel
2020-10-07 11:33 AM
Hi Torsten, saw someone ask something similar within last 3-4 weeks, not sure it got a response or not.
Not clear if they use the MSC only for the mBed download functionality, or as a means to IOCTL on the ST-LINK side.
2020-10-08 2:51 AM
2020-10-08 12:45 PM
Thank you,
pretty helpful.
So latest ST-Link firmware, STSW-LINK007 - but: it works only for ST-Link V2, not for ST-Link V3. Firmware for V3 does not have this 'type' option.
So, for a NUCLEO-H743ZI (old one, with V2) I can do firmware without USB storage, but for NUCLEO0H743ZI2 (newer board, with V3) - not possible (missing this option).
So, not really consistent and issue still open.
2020-10-08 12:49 PM
NUCLEO-H743ZI (old, V2)
NUCLEO-H743ZI2 (new, V3)
==> Please, is there a ST-Link FW Update for version V3 with the same option to disable the USB storage device?
2020-10-08 1:05 PM
BTW: same issue and request: https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00000HNR0l/stlink-v3-without-mass-storage-enabled
For ST-Link V3 it does not seem to be supported and provided before 2021.
Ok, so we had to stop using the latest NUCLEO-H743ZI2 boards (or all boards with ST-Link V3 chip on it).