2023-12-07 12:48 PM
Yes it is a common problem - just can't find the problem - Download FDCAN Files from Youtube controllers site.
Software side -IDE,MX files okay except when I get to debug configuration - Error" no
st link " drivers exist in Device Manager ; hook up to power CN15 on H7451 ; Windows 11 system
Downloaded St link 0009 latest - followed wizard everything okay; ( maybe it matters what directory the amd64 is in ?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2023-12-08 1:19 PM
This board has on-board ST-LINK. There are some badly detected USB devices in the dev. manager. Check the USB and power cables. Check the board connector and any jumpers that can affect ST-LINK or power supply.
2023-12-07 1:33 PM
Do you have a genuine programmer?
Can you connect with STM32CubeProgrammer?
2023-12-08 12:19 PM
No I don't have a STM32 Cube Programmer Is it a necessary condition ?
Could it be that maybe I need to ensure the firmaware is updated ( will doulbe check ) and in the debugger ( configuration) use my IP address and local host for my PC ? See my post on the Local Host Failure - Time Out FD CAN Normal Operating Mode - have that issue with two STM32H743I2Z
2023-12-08 1:07 PM - edited 2023-12-08 1:10 PM
Oh nevermind, you clearly have a genuine ST board. The part about trying to connect with STM32CubeProgrammer is still relevant.
You need a programmer to program. The IDE says it can't find one.
STM32CubeProgrammer is the software that is used to connect.
If you do have a programmer and it looks like this, it's not a genuine programmer and is subject to not work well with ST tools.
2023-12-08 1:19 PM
This board has on-board ST-LINK. There are some badly detected USB devices in the dev. manager. Check the USB and power cables. Check the board connector and any jumpers that can affect ST-LINK or power supply.
2023-12-11 9:11 AM
Thanks Have download verification
However " in main.c cm7 after creating breakpoint at line 156 like the ( see below pic"s for remaining text)
video and populating the " expression" then hitting resume button - no response - see attached - can't create the data like that in the video - last pic
Any guidance would be appreciated. I'm powering thru the CN14 SLTK /USB connector so far so good up to that point