2012-11-28 4:51 AM
Hi all and thanks for your help so far..
I have been fooling around with trying to get Maple to work with my STM32F4 discovery board and have got into a tangle..I successfully uploaded the Maple bootloader .bin to the board and got the Maple lib working on the board via a VCP in fs mode.But now, I want to revert back to being able to use the ST-link utility and ST-Link utility doesn't recognize the device..?.. When I run the utility I get this message:12:51:29 : [maple_boot.bin] opened successfully.12:51:39 : No STLink detectedBut the board won't connect..I can however use DFuse and have successfully loaded up the original DEMO firmware .dfu file back onto the board.Would anyone be able to help me get back to using ST-link??Thanks again, again.Steve. #st-link #stm32f42012-11-28 7:26 AM
Sounds like either a chip/power failure for the STM32F1 implementing the ST-LINK function, or that the driver for the ST-LINK isn't loaded on your PC, ie missing or not permitting unsigned drivers?
2012-11-28 10:43 AM
Does RED LED is blinking, or solid ? (not power, but double color led)
Sometimes in windows machine i kill usb driver because of high current , so i just uninstall/reinstall usb, and that fix my problem.2012-11-28 10:51 AM
2012-11-28 11:07 AM
also, i found that if i can't program my mcu(stlink don't find any mcu), if i touch PA14 and PA13 it start to see my stm32f4, maybe that would be useful for you...
2012-11-28 11:51 AM
I tried your suggestion Kilo ( or is it Mega? .. ..lol I have contacted Megahercas before. Are you his brother?)
Nothing happens. I have put up a message on Leaflabs froum too about the problem but no reply as yet. I can still use the DFuse program to burn DFU files and have just worked out how to convert .bin files to .dfu files so I can do that... but still I want ST-Link back...2012-11-29 4:35 AM
Solved by a Hunch! Last night I was mulling it all over and realised that because Windows still recognises that an ST board has been plugged in, it must be a driver issue. When I ran Zadig it prompted me to install a windows driver that would ''see'' the board. This must have mangled up the ST driver in some way ( don't ask how, I'm not that advanced..)
So in comes System Restore!I have used system restore on my laptop before when my ip address got mangled and by going back to the day before it happened, my ip address was restored.Same for the STM32f4 discovery then ?Yip. I did a system restore back to the day before I tried the MapleBoot and am now able to use the ST-Link as before.So time travel works. :0)Thanks for the advice everyone. :Steve.