2012-11-30 6:28 AM
i have stm32f407vgt6 controller ic and stlink/v2.the controller is fitted in our own board.i tried to program the controller.but it failed.it show like ''no target is connected''.i did the following connection.Stlink pins stm pins9 (SWCLK) -----> 76(PA14)20 (GND) ------> 74(GND)7 (SWDIO) -----> 72 (PA13)15 (NRST) ----> 14 (NRST)13 (SWO) ------> 89 (PB3)BUT i got wrong.can any one suggest any idea? #st-link/v2 #no-target-connected2012-11-30 7:40 AM
Sounds like it's not powered and functional.
Check supply VSS/VDD (A and D) and VCAP pins. Bring up chip with BOOT0 High, check if you can get USART1 or USART3 to respond to 0x7F at 9600 8E1