2019-09-26 7:58 AM
Starting ST-LINK_gdbserver with -the -s option, flash upload show success. However the "compare-section" command show mismatch"
(gdb) compare-section
Section .text, range 0x8000000 -- 0x8003420: MIS-MATCHED!
Section .data, range 0x8003420 -- 0x80035bc: MIS-MATCHED!
warning: One or more sections of the target image does not match
the loaded file
Using another gdb-server (bl*ckm*g*i_pcstlinkv2) compares fine in the same setup even without another upload.
2019-11-04 9:08 AM
This problem is also seen ../stlink-gdb-server.linux64_1.1.0.201910081157/tools/bin/ST-LINK_gdbserver
2019-11-18 6:28 AM
The problem is still present!