2015-11-05 9:41 PM
I'm using Keil uvision(on windows 7 as well as windows 8.1) to implement ADC & DAC functions on STM32F4-Discovery board.
After my last trial, ''ST-Link Connection Error'' occurred and ever since, I need to do a ''full-chip erase'' using ST-Link Utility after every flash download to the STM32F4-Discovery board.I have tried with many different programs(codes) to see if the connection error is caused by the programs. However, after each flash download, the same error appears and I have to do full-chip erase to load another program.I'm really frustrated because of this and I'd really appreciate it if somebody could help. Peace :) #st-link #stm32f42015-11-06 5:07 AM
Are you using Cube? Someone was complaining about a SWD/Debug setting that disabled the pins?
Is your software doing something objectionable to the pins, or putting the device in low power mode?Have you checked the Keil settings for ''Debug'', things like ''Load Application at Startup'', ''Download to Flash'', ''Connect & Reset Options, Connect Under Reset''. In the settings for ''Flash Download'' , ''Download Function - Erase Sectors, Program, Verify''. In the settings for ''Utility'', ''Update Target before Debugging''