2014-05-14 8:57 AM
I have both an STM32 Nucleo and STM32F429I-DISCO discovery board. On the Nucleo the ST-LINK is version 2-1 which creates a virtual COM port on Windows that is connected to USART1 of the target MCU. This is very handy for debugging messages.
On the STM32F429I-DISCO USART1 RX and TX can also be connected via solder bridges to the ST-LINK MCU, but it is an ST-LINK/V2. Can I flash the ST-LINK/V2-1 firmware on the STM32F429I-DISCO to have a virtual COM port there, too? #st-link/v2-1-stm32f429i-disco2014-05-14 9:55 AM
I don't think it works like that, you can flash it back and forth with different firmwares, the most current being J20, and try for yourself.
The firmware do support SWV/SWO, and you can use the ST-Link Utilities to display that channel. Some DISCO board require a Solder Bridge (SB) be made to connect PB3 (SWO) to the STM32F103 providing the ST-LINK functionality. Also had this working with the Nucleo boards On the STM32F429I-DISCO SB9 needs to be made2015-11-07 7:31 PM
I've just got the
STM32F429I-DISCO and I'm wondering
1) how to upgrade the ST-Link on board - I found some descriptions on the internet, but surely there must be a STM version of this. RN0084 seems to have version info but not how to. RN0093 seems slightly different. 2) Does the ST-Link/V2 support a windows based com port via the hardware F429I Uart1 Tx/Rx that is shown on the schematics. Its seems like other embedded JTAG/SWD (Freescale K20 and mbed boards) do this. For the time being I'm using the uart1 tx/rx to FTDI cable which the drivers creates a virtual com port.thanks2015-11-07 7:36 PM
1) ST has stand-alone tools, and there's usually a menu item in the ST-LINK Utilities.
2) I don't think this is available on the STM32F429I-DISCO, just boards supporting mbed, like the NUCLEO, and STM32F469I-DISCO. As I recall the mbed boards use a larger, more powerful, STM32F103 part to do the ST-LINK + VCP functionality.