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ST-link communication failure

Andrew Waterworth
Associate II
Posted on January 31, 2018 at 20:46

Can anybody enlighten me as to why I am getting the( Error: jtag status contains invalid mode value - communication failure)  message and how to get past it!

The set up is system work bench.

Nucleo F401 and x-nucleo-idw01m1

and stm demonstration software examples.

Nucleo server socket example compiles and down loads to board,

The console shows it halted by debugger and some 5-10 secs later it reports the above error.

I have tried the DBGMCU_Config and that does nothing to stop the problem.

I did have it working and managed to load some dynamic web pages into the wifi chip.

I managed to corrupt the source code so deleated the original and reloaded the code from STM,  since then no joy

Help would be very much appreciated

Posted on January 31, 2018 at 22:06

OpenOCD frequently has more issues, try testing with ST-LINK Utilities.

Select SWD mode, the NUCLEO doesn't wire a full JTAG interface.

Use high quality USB cables.

Try System Work Bench forum for specific tool support and issues.

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