2018-01-31 11:46 AM
Can anybody enlighten me as to why I am getting the( Error: jtag status contains invalid mode value - communication failure) message and how to get past it!
The set up is system work bench.
Nucleo F401 and x-nucleo-idw01m1
and stm demonstration software examples.
Nucleo server socket example compiles and down loads to board,
The console shows it halted by debugger and some 5-10 secs later it reports the above error.
I have tried the DBGMCU_Config and that does nothing to stop the problem.
I did have it working and managed to load some dynamic web pages into the wifi chip.
I managed to corrupt the source code so deleated the original and reloaded the code from STM, since then no joy
Help would be very much appreciated
#st_link2018-01-31 01:06 PM
OpenOCD frequently has more issues, try testing with ST-LINK Utilities.
Select SWD mode, the NUCLEO doesn't wire a full JTAG interface.
Use high quality USB cables.
Try System Work Bench forum for specific tool support and issues.