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Simple LCD display (ILI9341 drivers) - Nothing works

Associate II


I have NUCLEO-H755 + GFX02Z1. With ST examples (X-CUBE-DISPLAY), nothing works (no QSPI available to select).

So i have no configured memory (QSPI on GFX02Z1 board) , only ILI9341 driver.

The MX_DISPLAY_Init looks OK.

I just want to send something to write to the LCD but nothing happened.

My understanding is that it is not mandatory to have external memory to display, I can use internal STM32 memory. Is it true ?

When we perform a BSP_LCD_WriteData, some is written on FMC_BANK1_MEM (because FMC configured on NOR 1.../LCD1).

But how to send from FMC_BANK1_MEM to LCD ?

MX_FMC_Init(); &  MX_DISPLAY_Init(); looks good.

I want to do a BSP_LCD_WriteData(0,(uint8_t*)"Hello to everyone!",400), nothing happened.

I can't use TouchGFX example (  because there is not example for NUCLEO-H755...

Thanks for your answers to help me to display anything on this screen !!!! 🙂

PS : What is strange is that during BSP_LCD_Init, ILI9341_LCD_Driver.ReadID (ReadID4 of ILI9341 driver) is correct (h009341). After init, when I want to read same ID with same function, return is h414141 ... Can't found why at this moment ....




Associate II


Somebody can help me ? 🙂

Thanks 😉

Chief II

Maybe start with understand displys buses. Your board is  2.2” 8-bit parallel interface QVGA TFT LCD

Control this you can by sw emulation or hw based FMC bridge driver. Learn how work...

Never work 

BSP_LCD_WriteData(0,(uint8_t*)"Hello to everyone!",400),

 LCD bus isnt text terminal.