2023-08-29 10:35 AM
There are 3 lines of hardware development tools (quite a lot of products):
For prototyping of my HW concept I want to use one of ST boards (essentially uC) to control my custom stuff.
The ST board I plan to use should be as simple as possible and have following features:
Can I find all these features in Nucleo line ?
2023-08-30 11:29 AM
Regarding the incompatibility of the NUCLEO-144, it is clear: they have a female type morpho connector compared to the male type for the Nucleo-64. Regarding the incompatibility of some Nucleo-64 - not entirely clear. Do you mean that only Nucleo-64 with QSPI are compatible with X-NUCLEO-GFX01M2, right?
And yet another question I missed in the previous post: when you talked about stacked opportunities you meant that custom board enters into Arduino connector of Nucleo-64 and X-NUCLEO-GFX01M2 enters into morpho connector, mounted on custom board. Because if custom board enters into morpho connector of Nucleo-64, how to put male connector on side B if the place is already occupied by female connector on side A ... use SMD connectors + multiple vias ?
2023-08-30 11:53 AM
Depends on how exotic your custom board is, or needs to be.
At the simplest level you can have a simple feed-thru connectors, and buy the male/female sense you need from Samtec, and populate the one suitable for the board you attach it too.
Not all the pins need be used, you'd presumably located the signals you need vs the one that the other daughter board uses. If they don't clash then both boards can use the subset they need.
Sure you could make something more complex with SMT parts and vias, but do you need too?
I've built systems where I've stacked 3 different Ardunio shields, if all I need is I2C and power it's not hard, but clearly one needs to be aware of what each board needs/uses.
There are many STM32 parts and families, and multiple generations and versions of NUCLEO boards. The goal has been to make them fairly interchangeable, but you'll need to refer to the manuals and schematics, and the data-sheets for the parts to determine if particular pins facilitate a UART connection, connect to a TIM, etc.
2023-08-31 8:22 AM
Still not clear. Can you, please, clarify what you mean under stacking (independently of complexity of custom board):
Here is an example of stacking on the Nucleo motherboard: the expansion board goes into morpho con, but the next board is supposed to be connected to Arduino con.
2023-09-04 9:05 AM
The only header that I can find for stacking purposes looks like this (Adafruit):
In assembly it looks like this:
Does anyone know of similar products from other manufacturers?