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(programmed) STM32F030 stucks in the startup (xx.s ) forever. defective batch ??

Chief II

the hole batch of F030C6T6 has same behavior :

can access with ST-Link , program, verify - all ok. read core registers, option bytes...ok.

but then no program start ! chip stays in startup here:

0693W00000Uo3uMQAR.png10 tested boards ihave identical behavior. chips coming from PCB assembler , as usual.

I replaced one with a (suspect source , from aliexpress dealer) F030 , then board running as it should.

  • can i do anything, to get these boards running?
  • if chips have all same defect, how is it possible to passing the wafer test ??

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Chief II

new project with C6 version (is really small program):

0693W00000UoKLJQA3.png--- but still same effect: stalled in startup...

0693W00000UoKMvQAN.pnghere pic - looks original - right ?


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Senior III

I would try to connect MCU to Cube Programmer and process complete erase of MCU. I suppose you dont use some HW which is not in C6 version.

Chief II

ok, mass erase, full chip erase, prog. verify ok. nothing different.

stall in startup. ��

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Senior III

Could you send registers values table in infinite loop?

Chief II

see in my post from yesterday, registers at loop. (in black area)

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Senior III

But they are from another bin file. We need from new bin file (for C6 MCU).

Chief II

aaa. ok. BUT : now cpu is running !!

debug waits at program start in "main" , as usual.

just i dont know why...i set optimizer on -O2 (was -O0 );

i tried some again stall in startup.

registers :



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Senior III

It si weird. Stack pointer (sp) has value 8160byte. Like there is 8kb memory set.

Check linker script (.LD)

Top-of-Stack needs to be 0x20001000 (4KB) or below. Check first vector.

Right now you're faulting directly out of reset, and perhaps into a catch-all handler everything points too.

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Chief II

from .LD :


/* Entry Point */


/* Highest address of the user mode stack */

_estack = ORIGIN(RAM) + LENGTH(RAM); /* end of "RAM" Ram type memory */

_Min_Heap_Size = 0x200 ; /* required amount of heap */

_Min_Stack_Size = 0x400 ; /* required amount of stack */

/* Memories definition */



 RAM   (xrw)   : ORIGIN = 0x20000000,  LENGTH = 4K

 FLASH   (rx)   : ORIGIN = 0x8000000,  LENGTH = 32K


/* Sections */



 /* The startup code into "FLASH" Rom type memory */

 .isr_vector :


   . = ALIGN(4);

   KEEP(*(.isr_vector)) /* Startup code */

   . = ALIGN(4);



and in IDE shows:


looking ok for me.... or not ?

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