2020-09-11 3:11 AM
I want to have my nucleo (MB1364C on PCB) to appear as a USBMIDI device under Windows 10. Whatever I tried ends the same : nothing appears on Windows, not even an unnkown USB device.
with the code limited to the absolute minimum . . .
#include "mbed.h"
#include "USBMIDI.h"
// main() runs in its own thread in the OS
USBMIDI myUsbMidi;
int main()
while (true) {
. . . I have a strange behaviour on the board's user LED1: it is neverending blinking green with a systematic scheme (4 or 5 long, 4 or 5 short). I'm not sure if it's 4 or 5, but always the same.
If I use longer code, no change, same behaviour.
It's like if the USB MIDI device is not started on the board, or not enough to be captured by Windows.
I installed STLINK007 and STLINK009, updated the firmware.
jumpers are set as described in the manual.
I tried many cables, let's say all those I have at home which is around 20 and they are not charging cables as I can trasnfer pictures from phone to computer with them (for example).
The blinky example works just fine, and I start to wonder if the board is damaged in some way. it's brand new, I did nothing with it before starting this what I describe here.
I tried many USB examples, for all possible devices and always ends the same : blinking LED1 until the never.
any idea, advice on how to handle, where to look at will be more than welcome. I'm feeling a bit desperate at the moment.
thank you for reading, hoping one will have a solution for me.