2022-08-12 5:41 AM
for a first design verification i am using a NUCLEO-F429ZI board mounted on an own PCB.
With my first board everything is fine and i have no issues. But with my second NUCLEO-F429ZI, the behaviour is strange.
I am using the same PCB and can change the NUCLEO-F429ZI.
On my PCB i am using the +5V (CN8_9) as supply for the NUCLEO-F429ZI. The jumper JP3 is on E5V, for programming during implementing.
Now with the second board i have to press the RESET button or plug the USB ST-Link cable that the NUCLEO-F429ZI will start.
With the other one, there is no need to press the RESET button or plug in the USB ST-Link cable.
On the PCB i have a 10k pullup for NRST...
Thanks in advance!
2022-08-12 6:13 AM
> On the PCB i have a 10k pullup for NRST...
Then take it off and look at AN4488.
2022-08-15 9:57 PM
Hello Piranha,
thanks for the advice.
But it didn't work if i remove the 10k pullup...
I have already checked at AN4488 and still have no idea.
2022-08-16 12:36 AM
> it didn't work if i remove the 10k pullup
Then fix it. Show/describe the complete schematic related to NRST signal. Check the NRST level.
Check the voltage on power supply lines with and probably take a look with an oscilloscope.
Debug the software...
2022-08-16 12:49 AM
What should i fix when i remove the pullup?
I have already checked the NRST signal with a osci. It is the same with the "working" Eval-Board.
I didn't think the power supply is the problem because after a "Reset" event it works fine..
How do i debug the software if the board wouldn't boot?
2022-08-28 4:30 AM
If the hardware is fine, then most likely the MCU is starting, but the startup code fails at some point, which can be debugged.