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New STLINK-V3MiniE seems completely dead

Associate II

I have no previous experience on ST tools. I have a brand new STLINK-V3MiniE. I installed the driver and trying the STM32CubeProgrammer as the first step to verify target connection. I get no response whatsoever from the device, with or without target Vcc present (+3.3V). No lights and nothing on the PC side, except for an error message about unregonized USB device. The programmer doesn't see it either.

What is the expected behaviour and am I right to assume that I got a faulty unit and need to buy another?

Chief II

on PC - which system ? Win x , Linux .. ?

on Win hear USB connection, ding-****, see in STMCubeProgrammer -> refresh :

_legacyfs_online_stmicro_images_0693W00000bkI2PQAU.pngand in hardware manager on windows ->

_legacyfs_online_stmicro_images_0693W00000bkI13QAE.pngand on stlink-V3 red LED on - otherwise take another cable and USB port...

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Associate II

Sorry, WIndows 10. And no, no sound, nothing on device manager, no LED. I guess I god a dud. Ok, no big deal, those are practically free.

Chief II

on win10 (other PC from co-worker ) "nothing" happens , no error, no sound.

but no LED -> no power at all ! -> take another cable and other USB port... and check !

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  • If the PC is a corporate one, maybe Mass Storage is disabled
    • Update the STLink driver SW without mass storage support
  • How is the target MCU connected? Flying wires?
    • Reduce the SWD speed to 4 MHx and compare
    • Make sure the target has power, STLink sense and monitor the voltage
    • Boot pin level
    • Reset can be optionally controlled by the SW Link. Useful if the target MCU is in clock stop mode (already flashed with a low power SW)

STLink SW update notification kicks in CubeIDE (for example).

Associate II

Just a regular PC. STLink is connected to target with 10cm wires. I even tried with just the gnd and Vcc to ensure, that wrong target connections are out of play. The port and cable are ok - at least giving power to a phone.


I was wondering if this is a USB-C specific cable incompatibility. Can you try with an adapter which disable any USB power delivery feature ?