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Must I use a MCU supporting Modbus?


We are planning to make a board using a STM32 MCU in a Modbus application. What we need is a Modbus-RTU. We found that STM32F030 can satisfy our needs and cheap enough but it does not support Modbus. Could we use STM32F030 in this case by special software additional design or we should find another MCU supporting Modbus? If we could use it then we need support about the additional software design. Would you please support us?

Thank you!

Andrew Neil
Evangelist III

At the physical layer, Modbus-RTU is just a UART link - isn't it?


Senior II

32F030 has less RAM, better to go with 32F103.  Anyway better to do a prototype with a standard board. Normally modbus uses rs485 interface. Do you need to add rs232 to rs485 converter. 

Indeed - always best to start with a bigger chip, then optimise down if necessary/possible, than to start with a too-small chip and get stuck in a dead-end!

And definitely start on standard dev-board.