2020-01-29 5:06 AM
Hi all,
Could this minim circuit to connect with ST-LINK??
MISTAKE - In the drawing, the SWDIO must connect to PA13, not PA12!!!!!
2020-01-29 6:43 AM
It's not obvious, from your schematic, but you're going to want to bring the reset signal to the stlink connector as well.
2020-01-29 7:09 AM
Also remember to pull BOOT0 down.
2020-01-29 7:10 AM
Youre right, but I.m using the cheap ST-LINK compatible, using just 4 pins (PWR, GND, SWDIO, SWCLK) with somo boards and it works properly.
2020-01-29 8:13 AM
Well, after a lot of hours testing, cuting, bridging and testing again, the problem was on the power track. The power track has some vias changing to one pcb side to the other. If I put a wire connecting directly the MCU to the power connector, all works like espected and ST-Link connects without problems.
Thanks all for your help, friends! :)