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Looking for STM32F103X STM32F103RCT6 Microcontroller Development Board specific documentation (board schematic, installing the bootloader (if even necessary), programming instructions for the board).

Associate II

Scoured the internet for past few days and found lots of general STM32 information but nothing for this specific development board . Any help would be appreciated.


Can you provide a link to the specific development board?

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That's a knockoff board with a very likely counterfeit/gray market chip on it. The documentation won't be as good as if it were an ST board. The product page says schematics are available, I would contact the seller and ask.

I don't see it on the list of boards here:

But it's very similar to this one, and you can probably use the same instructions:

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Thanks for the quick response.
Thanks for the quick response and suggestions. I’ll keep trying …

Most of the pins are identified. Shouldn't be hard to identify buttons, etc.

LED's probably just use a multi-meter in continuity, or look at the tracks.

8 MHz and 32.768 KHz crystals have specific/known pins

Wakeup should be PA0

System Loader in ROM, BOOT0 / BOOT1 (BT0/BT1) pins will control these like any other STM32

Take some very high-resolution, in-focus, photography of the front and back side.

Any way, should be fairly generic, and not rocket science..

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Associate II

Thanks for the tips, T.D. Will continue to research. I'm new to this and cannot fathom why someone would spend time/money to develop, manufacture, and distribute a new board without documentation. One of life's mysteries?

I'm not sure it's that much of a mystery, these type of generic boards are very prolific on Taobao and places like that. All pretty basic, all copying same basic design. The F1 has relatively limited pin usage options, boards are cheap and not complex, so not expecting 6 or 8 layer implementations. This part of the world doesn't have a long-term support plan, its about building things with parts you have today, and moving on to the next thing.

STM32 Duino, and places like that used to catalogue boards and pin mappings. I many case I've seen people create schematics for boards they find which are better than the ones the vendor knocked out.

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People see the $3 price tag and buy it over the $15 ST boards. They just trying to make money. Sure does makes your life harder though if you’re trying to get started and need to figure out how to wire the debugger, etc, rather than just plugging in a USB cable like an ST board.
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