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Library Compatibility


Sorry if formatting is trash this is the first post on the forum. 

Our lab group is trying to get I2C connectivity to a external chip using an I2C. The problem that we are having is getting the clock up and running. We downloaded both the L4 and F4 packages but it seems that some of the imported libraries are not working. The question that I am wondering is it possible that the packages are not compatible with the alternate versions of the board. This could be user error as this is our first experience with I2C if possible could someone direct me to a good source of using Nucleo Boards to get I2C up and running. Thanks for your help!




The STM32CubeL4 library will be compatible with that chip.

Do you have external pullups on the I2C lines? Which pins are you using? You should look at the schematic to ensure those pins are available for use and not tied to an onboard peripheral.

Consider showing more context of your problem such as how things are wired, what external board you're using, how things are powered, and the code you're using, and any debugging steps you've done. A logic analyzer will be helpful here.

With I2C, make sure HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady is called and returns HAL_OK before calling any other I2C read/write function.

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