2025-03-06 4:53 AM - last edited on 2025-03-06 5:55 AM by Andrew Neil
I need to create 4 different PWM signals at the same time with different frequencies, I believe this means I need 4 different timers that are connected to a GPIO port, I currently have NucleoF767ZI and an STM32f746g-DISCO, Nucleo only appears to have TIM1 on GPIO ports, STM32 one does have enough but I just can't get it to work cause either it doesn't generate anything or the screen goes blank
2025-03-06 5:04 AM
Nucleo has plenty of pins available. Look at the MCU view in CubeMX or AF table in the datasheet, not at the simplified table in Nucleo manual - many of MCU pins have TIMxCHy connections, esp. PA and PB pins but many others too.