2019-10-12 12:03 PM
Looking at the manual, however, I don't see the SWD pins on the Nucleo board - are they internal-only, and now gone with the break-off operation? If they are still available, for programming via the ST-Link, which pins are they? Did I miss some aspect of the documentation? Thanks!
2019-10-12 12:29 PM
PA13 and PA14 should be the SWD connections, they should be exposed at some of the pin headers
2019-10-12 12:46 PM
Wow - good find! Between those two (which I assume are the SWD Clock and SWD I/O, maybe in that order), and the VDD, Ground, and Reset pins that are already pretty clear, I should be set. Thanks!
2019-10-12 1:36 PM
Pin definitions could be found in Data Sheet, or on Nucleo Schematic
2019-10-12 8:30 PM
The steps for using it standalone are in the Nucleo manual. Look for the section about "external" application. It was in section 5.2.4 of the last Nucleo manual that I have.