2022-05-11 6:20 AM
sarathk@sarath:~/Desktop/project/open_s_projects/rust_projects/stm32l/led_blink$ probe-run target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/debug/led_blink --chip stm32l562qeixq
Error: Error while flashing
Caused by:
0: Something during the interaction with the core went wrong
1: An error with the usage of the probe occured
2: Operation timed out
2022-05-11 9:19 AM
Need more information. See if there is a debugger/programmer log file that shows all the actions and responses. Or see if there is a command option to generate such a log file. Then post that here.
2022-05-11 11:54 AM
I am loading the blinking program.
2022-05-11 12:05 PM
The ST-LINK Utilities have been deprecated for several years, use the STM32 Cube Programmer tool, it should be new enough to support L5 parts
2022-05-12 2:10 AM
Hi @bsara.1 ,
Try to do an ST-Link update (Help -> ST-LINK Upgrade) then check if it resolves the issue.
To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
2022-05-12 6:41 AM
Thank you, I also tried with with stm32 Cube programmer tool. The same error I am getting. Is it a hard ware issue?
2022-05-12 6:43 AM
Thank you, the picture shows the default connects on my board. I have tried by upgrading the ST-LINK firmware update. I got same Error. Is it a hardware issue?
2022-05-12 7:54 AM
Use High Quality USB Cables
Try different cables, different ports, different computers, see if the issue follows.
Avoid Hubs
2022-05-12 12:06 PM
Did you try enabling "connect under reset" as suggested in the 2nd image you posted?
Is this the first time you've tried programming this board? Or were you able to load a program before and now it fails?
Did the board run with the pre-installed demo firmware? (I'm not familiar with this exact board, but they usually come with some kind of demo installed on them).
2022-05-15 8:46 PM