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How can i connect electret microphone and receive information with nucleo-h743zi



I am not a pro user of using stm32 microcontrollers and i need to know if it is possible to connect an electret microphone with a stm32 nucleo h743zi board and see any information i receive with this component.

For example, i want to connect the condenser mic with nucleo board and see in my screen any data, or something to prove that i am connecting this correctly or know how to treat with these type of components.


This photo shows the type of condenser microphone i am using.


Sorry if i am not explaining it so well because i don't know if it is possible to do things like i am asking here.


Thank you so much for your time.


Yes, you can do that.


1) Audio signal quality will be much worse than nowadays audio standard, due to the STM's 12-bit SAR ADC (or 16-bit?).

2) it's a loooong and hard way from having the components to actually getting any usable data to your PC.
Depending on your knowledge / skill level, this can take from 2 weeks (HW & STM pro with USB knowledge) up to several months.

3) Something many people forget: you need some software on the PC side as well.


Thanks for answering,

> 1) Audio signal quality will be much worse than nowadays audio standard, due to the STM's 12-bit SAR ADC (or 16-bit?).

That's not a problem because in a future i will use other PCM4220PFBG4 (Audio converter) to fix quality. But first i want to know how to do simple things...

> 2) it's a loooong and hard way from having the components to actually getting any usable data to your PC.
Depending on your knowledge / skill level, this can take from 2 weeks (HW & STM pro with USB knowledge) up to several months.

It's okay to work long time, i need to know how to do this type of things so my main difficulty is to find how to start doing this kind of things. So where could i start to understand something about how to convert this data or where to plug the mic, or whatever ?? I'm a bit lost in here.

> 3) Something many people forget: you need some software on the PC side as well.

Apart from using stm32cubemx or stm32cubeIDE? Do you mean just to work with audio data? 


Thank you so much!


2) Okay, you could start by connecting a 3.3 V electret to the STM ADC. Quite simple, the microphone datasheet basically shows how to do that.

3) I mean how to work with "audio data".
If it's your own simple data stream (e.g., USB virtual comport), you need to handle that on the PC side with some self-made software.
If you make your STM32 look like a USB audio device, PC side gets simpler, but STM32 side will be much harder.


And it is possible to see any data directly from a tera term using usart connections? 

The main problem of doing the things you are telling is where to start..., I need to see any documentation or something to start, what can i read or watch to learn about this?


Thank you


Sure, you can send audio data via UART - and with some experience you can even see the sine in the numbers ...

Starting: get a Nucleo board and do it. 


I already got the nucleo board but not the knowledge 


At least something!

There are so many tutorials out there for STM32, lots of example source code, it just takes time and effort.


can you please share some examples source code or any link/video tutorial for STM32 connect to MEM microphone or audio 

thank you !!