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Hey there , I am new in MCU programming . Recently I bough 103c8tc from local market.Now I am trying to connect with win10, STM23Cube does not recognize the device, then I tried with vcs and platformio that also showed failed to connect

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Principal III

a chip? a board? how did you connect?

What board? Minimally provide a link to a web page or that of the vendor.

How would expect it to connect?

You have an ST-LINK or equivalent JTAG or SWD debugger pod?

Serial or USB connectivity to the ROM based boot loader, try using STM32 Cube Programmer.

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Well if the mcu is a clone, it could be one reason.

Hey KnarfB thanks lot for your response.This piece ST-LINK V2 STM8 & STM32 , have only usb

connection, look like a USP stick. I just want to blink the LED , to make sure it is working.

Hey Dear Tesla

Thanks for the response.This device look like a USB stick.ST-LINK V2 STM8 & STM32 , have only USB connection.Through USB I connect with my laptop, I just want to blink the LED.I used the STM32Cube Programmer.I upgrade the firmware as well.When I press green color button at top stm32 cube programmer, its said no Stm32 target found.

Yes it is the clone.

Hey all thank you so much for your kind support. It's working. You are all guys are super man. Appreciated for your support.