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Hello, I use CubeMX 6.1.1 and Keil I got error "Invalid ROM Table" when trying to flash the MCU. with Debug settings set to Under Reset / HW Reset

Thomas LB
Associate III

By default the ST-Link Debugger setting Pack "Keil.STM32L0xx_DFP.2.1.0" is Enable and I got error "Invalid ROM Table" when trying to flash the MCU. But If I just Disable the checkbox Enable in the Pack tab in ST-link Debugger setting then the flashing is OK :)

I'm I doing something wrong or is this a bug ?

Thanks for help,


Thomas LB
Associate III

A more detailed log from another project when flashing (same conditions):

File    : C:\Keil_v5\ARM\PACK\Keil\STM32L0xx_DFP\2.1.0\Keil.STM32L0xx_DFP.pdsc 

Sequence  : DebugPortStop 

Context  : Item #2: <control if="DoDebugPortStop">

         Item #0: <block>::Line 3 

Expression : "v5\ARM\PACK\Keil\STM32L0xx_DFP\2.1.0\Keil.STM32L0xx_DFP.pdsc" 

E310    : Debug access failed - cannot write value 0x00000000 to DP register 0x08

Flash Load finished at 17:30:12

Thomas LB
Associate III

Target is STM32L051K8tx, If you want to reproduce just generate code from this:

Jaroslav BECKA
ST Employee

Hi Thomas,

in Options for Target... under Debug -> Settings -> Pack,

make sure to uncheck "Enable".

This solved the problem for me.

Currently, I have no explanation for this behavior, likely a bug in Keil.


Best regards


Hello, is this some kind of joke?

More than one year to give me answer that I already gave in original post?

(BTW the bug is still there)



@Thomas LB​ Have you asked Keil about this? One of advantages of choosing Keil is their fast and professional support.

When I was replying in this thread, I didn't notice that the question is already one year old.

I came across this issue only today.

Don't you think it would make sense to report this issue to Keil, which is the actual toolchain provider?

Sure, but to me it's ST<->Keil bug so I can help by providing contexte and workaround but I think it is ST job to talk to Keil to fix it. For the record at the time a case was opened (00124133), someone at ST (@Jocelyn RICARD​ ) did reproduce de bug but can't find explanation so the case was "escalated" and closed but never got news from it :/