2017-01-26 9:18 AM
I am having troubles with my project thats uses Nucleo F446RE development board. I have currently two pieces of this board at home neither of them working.The first board arrived with PA1 pin not working. I haven't tested all the pins since PA1 is crucial for my project but a lot of other pins work. The code I am running for this pin normally worked for the second board. ST-Link debugger on this board is OK. Do you have any experience with this? It seems strange to me that it passed all the tests with (at minimum) one pin not working.
One week ago arrived the second board with all pins working correctly. However, ST-Link debugger on this board stopped working suddenly. I am not able to upload any program to the board anymore. Last uploaded program seems to still work whenever I restart the board. Even official ST-Link Utility program cannot find the ST-Link interface. I am enclosing the log file from ST-Link Utility in case it would help.
The board is connected to my own PCB. My PCB is connected to a lipo battery and uses LM2576 switching regulator (docs of this PCB available.
). I have correctly switched JP5 jumper to E5V position and I am connecting power supply to the board first before I connect it over USB to PC. There are also other components (wifi module, barometer, gyro) using this power supply so I don't really think that the problem is bad voltage on E5V pin. Any ideas how to find out what happend? It is no problem to supply any kind of additional information.Thank you!Michal#f446re #f446 #nucleo #st-link2017-01-26 3:03 PM
I also use the Nucleo board to program my PCB.
I had a lot of trouble with similar issues.
at the end it was the Nucleo board needing a firmware flash it worked for a month and I had to do it again.
It seems to me that Windows 10 sometimes does a 'scans and fix' on the nucleo 'usb drive'
and it becomes very upset, if you power down sometimes you can program sometimes not.
the firmware upgrade fixed it. twice.
with the faulty pin, it is unlikely to be faulty, more like a short or open circuit, on the board.