2024-05-21 7:00 AM
I have interfaced the W25Q128JV with the STM32F407G-DISC1 board. Is there any way that I can implement the FATFS on the W25Q128JV. If someone has any example code for the same, can you please share the link for it?
2024-05-21 8:52 AM
Sure, but it's not going to be particularly fast.
You want to used 4KB sectors, not 512-Byte ones.
You'd code in support for read, and erase+write into the DISKIO layer, reporting the number of blocks.
Use JEDEC Read ID to read part and infer capacity, and 4KB blocks, or hard code for a single part/model
The DISKIO routines for Read would convert sector to 4KB block address within part. The Write would need to Erase the 4KB block, wait for completion and then write the content as some consecutive 256-byte page writes, and waits
2024-05-22 4:55 AM
I have made a quick read on the DS from your device, not sure if it would work but, maybe you can try to use it in QSPI mode and also implement FileX + LevelX ?
Just a suggestion, LevelX has couple of example projects for QSPI or OSPI in the CubeIDE.
2024-05-22 6:14 AM
The F407 doesn't support QSPI/OSPI directly, but the abstractions would be similar, ie sector-to-address read of the memory for the READ, erase and page writes for the WRITE