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Custom board and ST-LINK : can't get a program to run on power up

Associate II

Hi guys.

I'm somewhat new to STM32 programming.

I did a program that I can start on a custom board using ST LINK V2 debugger / programmer. If I unplug the ST Link, it continues to work well.

However, if I power off the board, I can't get the program to run on power up. I have to use the debugger again.

I would like to figure out how to start the program without the ST LINK.

Is there anything with boot0 and boot1 pins and the bootloader ? With the startup file ?

I’m using the STM32F207ZG MCU.

Thank you in advance !


BOOT0 should be pulled low to ensure your code runs at startup.

Instrument early via GPIO and/or USART, to get information about how your code is running and how far it gets.

Have HardFault_Handler() and Error_Handler() output actionable data to you can see if it found its way into those routines and why.

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Associate II

You was right about the BOOT0 pin. Now it's working very fine on power up ! Thanks a lot.

Associate II


I'm back with few questions :

I also have a micro-USB port on my board. Can I use it to program the MCU ? (It seems like I should set the BOOT0 to 1 before)

If I could program through USB, would I have to set the BOOT0 to 0 again after the programing, in order to have the program starting at power-up ?

Is there any advantage in programming through USB compared to programming with ST LINK ?

Thank you in advance.