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Cannot connect to STM32L05x MCU with CubeProgrammer and ST-Link V3

Associate II

Cannot connect to STM32L05x MCU with CubeProgrammer and ST-Link V3 using the CLI with both "connect under reset" and "Normal" modes. However using the same setup I can connect with ST-Link V2.

Is there any reasoning for this?


Select a slower SWD clock rate, try 1 or 4 MHz rather than 24 MHz

Does your interface connect the NRST pin?

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Yes interface connects to NRST. Clock speed selection doesn't affect it, it will connect in Normal mode but never under reset.

Associate II

I have two IC's that I am working with in this project. STM32L07x and STM32L05x.

With STM32L07x I can connect consistently with ST-LINK V2/V3.

However with STM32L05x it is very inconsistent.

I have tried this with numerous samples of each MCU and have concluded that it must be the MCU compatibility.

Another point to note, I can run STM32L07x in both Normal and under reset mode. With STM32L05x I can only use Normal mode, and even with this it can be very inconsistent.

Any ideas?


what voltage the stm32 runs with?

Associate II

3.7V at DCDC which then outputs 1.8V to MCU