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ST25R3916 Discovery GUI issue



I'm not able to use the GUI (W7). The DFU driver is not detected and the guidelines to fix it are not clear.

At page 5/32 the UM2517 claims:

Enter “C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\ST25R3916_Discovery_GUI

\Driver�? and install it.

But the \Driver folder does not exist at all...Where's this driver? Please, could anyone clarify this?

On the other hand the Method 2: ST-Link on next page does not work neither. Any hint?

thanks in advance,



Accepted Solutions

Hi Gaston,

I think we are looking into multiple issues here:

  1. Connection to PC GUI: This one can only work if you press the User button while powering/resetting the board - described in GUI log and in UM.
  2. ST-Link connection not working - here I am not sure what may cause this behavior
  3. Regarding connection to micro or mini USB: Here it depends on setting of JP4. The default is to have power supply from micro USB. If you then only plug mini then some supplies are not there and daughter board does not get powered properly and is not detected. Best to attach both USB plugs if you want to run STM32-STLink
  4. I don't know about Linux support. Maybe somebody else knows.
  5. You need to call objcopy with proper command line options, e.g. objcopy -I ihex -O binary <infile.hex> <outfile.hex>. This file could then be copied onto the mass storage device which you hopefully see.

Regards, Ulysses

View solution in original post

ST Employee

Hi Gaston,

you can find the driver under a slightly different subdir:

C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\ST25R3916_Discovery_GUI\Tools\STM32CubeProgrammer\DFU_Driver\Driver

What do you mean ST-Link does not work? What happens?

Please beware that you need to copy a .bin file to the mass-storage. Copying the hex will not work, you would need to do one of:

  • use STM32 ST-LINK Utility to program the hex
  • use STM32CubeProgrammer to program the hex
  • use objcopy to convert the .hex to .bin and copy onto mass-storage.

Regards, Ulysses


Hi Ulysses,

Thank you for replying. I've found the driver but I'm trying to update the firmware with no success on my W7 64-bit OS

In relation to the ST-Link, I've done as you've suggested but...

  • I'm not able to connect the device as shown)0693W000004JJAJQA4.png
  • My device manager seems to be correct (except for the DFU that I cannot update de driver...)0693W000004JJATQA4.png
  • On the other hand, here's the LCD message when I connect the ST25R3916-DISCO to the mini-USB port0693W000004JJB2QAO.jpgand I don't know what to do with this ...1) The daughter board is already connected and it works well (I'm able to detect NFC tags) 2) Connect to the USB-micro port leads me to initialize the board application. And it's not what I want. What I want is to be able to connect to the GUI.
  • I've installed STM32CubeProgrammer on my Linux Mint 18.3 64-bit. The run install works as expected but I cannot execute the application (do not nothing). In my W7 64-bit works as expected but ST-LINK does not detected neither.
  • using objcopy without flags doesn't work either. I've copied the .bin file to the mass storage but nothing happens...

As you can see, everything is quite frustrating.

What am I doing wrong?



Hi Gaston,

I think we are looking into multiple issues here:

  1. Connection to PC GUI: This one can only work if you press the User button while powering/resetting the board - described in GUI log and in UM.
  2. ST-Link connection not working - here I am not sure what may cause this behavior
  3. Regarding connection to micro or mini USB: Here it depends on setting of JP4. The default is to have power supply from micro USB. If you then only plug mini then some supplies are not there and daughter board does not get powered properly and is not detected. Best to attach both USB plugs if you want to run STM32-STLink
  4. I don't know about Linux support. Maybe somebody else knows.
  5. You need to call objcopy with proper command line options, e.g. objcopy -I ihex -O binary <infile.hex> <outfile.hex>. This file could then be copied onto the mass storage device which you hopefully see.

Regards, Ulysses

Hi Ulysses,

  1. Great. it works fine now. Thanks!
  2. I've removed ST-Link Debug (Interface 0) from my device driver manager listed above (include file drivers also). The driver automatically became to STMicroelectronics STLink dongle and now I can use the ST-Link interface. Strange...but it works well 🙂
  3. Perfect, understood.
  4. Don't worry, It will be enough with my Windows setup
  5. This way it works fine too.

Thank you very much for the given support,



I'm having a similar issue, but I can't seem to get anything to work.  I have it booted in USB mode.  When I try to load the firmware, it says the DFU driver cannot be found.  When I go to my device manager, I don't see STM32 bootloader.  Attached is what I see.

How can I get my ST25R3916B disco up and running?




Hi Jake,

Your screenshot indicates you plugged at least the mini-USB. Did you also plug the micro-USB? Firmware upgrade only works through the micro-USB.

Otherwise you could also go and program the firmware through mini-USB using e.g. STM32CubeProgrammer.


Best Regards, Ulysses