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Looking for Windows x64 ressources

Associate II


I'm trying to use the ST25 java SDK. The software_guide pdf document says I need to load in my IDE the natives libraries the SDK will need. It says I will find them in t \readers\st\resources, but in this folders there is only windows/x86 for the DLLs, and no windows/x64 as is mentionned in the document. And I can't use the 32bits version in my 64bits JVM. Am I missing something, or did the x64 folder was forgotten in the release ?

Extract from the pdf guide :

_legacyfs_online_stmicro_images_0693W00000bjndLQAQ.pngthe readers/st/resources/windows folder from the sdk :


Associate II

So I come back here with yet another problem.

I managed to find and install a 32bit JDK (not that easy I'll add, because Oracle website doesn't propose a 32bits version of the last version. Working on 32bits will add a lot of trouble to my project, since I planned on using Jpype to create a Python wrapper of your SDK, and I will have to use a 32bits Python to do that.

But for now, I am just testing things out on a test Java project, and I still can't get it to work. I still get an "UnsatisfiedLinkError" :

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\Projets\JavaTest32bits\sdk32bits\resources\windows\x86\streader.dll: Can't find dependent libraries
	at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
	at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
	at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
	at Main.main(

My code is literally just

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        STReader reader = new STReader();

And this time, the streader.dll file does exit !

Damien G.
ST Employee


in Eclipse we need to append the path to the resource folder to the path environment variable, such as shown in the picture below:

_legacyfs_online_stmicro_images_0693W00000bjwwuQAA.pngMake sure your path is updated in your run environment as well.


regarding the error message "Can't find dependent libraries'" I suspected that some Windows DLL files are missing of not the expected version. I ran an external software "Depency Walker" software (software able to analyze a DLL and shows the DLL dependencies. I discovered some DLLs needed for streader.DLL : KERNEL32.DLL, ZLOG.DLL, MSVCP120.DLL, MSVCR120.DLL, WS2_32.DLL, HIDAPI.DLL).

Perhaps one of the DLL is missing or with wrong version.

Best regards,

NFC Customer support

Associate II


Thank you for your answer. In the few days since, I have managed to solved some of the problems. I am now mainly stuck on the 32 bits part. To cut it short, I can't really use a 32 bit JVM (as we are running the SDK on Python with JPype it requires Python 32bits and, it turns out, a 32 bit Windows)

My question is, can I use any FEIG reader with the 64 bits provided ? Is there a dll limitation like with your own readers ?

Also, all of your examples uses the STReader class. Is there an equivalent for FEIG ? An example using it ?


the drivers for FEIG readers (32/64 bits) are compatible with the implementation of FEIG readers in SDK and can be used. FEIG readers compatible with this project are MR102, LR1002, CPR30. For additional example using FEIG readers, you can download the ST25PC002 package. on web page This package is the whole source code for ST25PC apps. In file, you can have a look to scanForReaders() where detection and connection of FEIG reader is managed.

Best regards,

NFC Customer support

Associate II

Thank you very much, it is exactly what I needed !

Is there anyway you update the SDK with the x64 dlls for STReader ? The one Damien G. mentionned he didn't have on hand in this thread ? It's no emergency, but since I'm staying in x64 bits, I could use them.

PC software for 64-bit windows platform is planned for end of year (PC software and streader dlls). Anyway we plan to start to update streader DLL for 64-bit in fews weeks. I suppose I will be able to share with you "draft" versions of streader dlls for 64-bit in few weeks.

I think the best solution for your project, should be to work to put in place environment including SDK using 64-bit FEIG DLL. Then we will be able to share dlls for streader (draft version).

NFC Customer support


Any news on 64-bit support?

I'm experimenting with STEVAL-25R3916B now and I wonder if it is planned to be supported for 64-bit Windows or if there are other options from ST. The 64-bit support is a deal-breaker for it now.

Damien G.
ST Employee


I have the pleasure to announce the availability of 64-bit versions for streader dlls in Windows with version 1.11.0 of the ST25SDK.

Best regards,
