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We are looking for a mosfet driver / halfbridge driver which can support a switching frequency of 0 hz.


Hello ST Team,

we are currently designing a product where we want to have an output pin with ~0.5-1A current capabilty and the ability to switch this output to High (12V - 48V depending on product variation) and LOW (GND).

For this we plan to use a dual n-channel mosfet to switch the pin to high and low. And we are now looking for a fitting mosfet driver which is able to drive the mosfets correctly with fitting protections (Shoot-through, low voltage, etc).

But different to most half-bridge drivers it needs to be able to function with a switching frequency of 0 hz. I.e. the output could stay high for hours or days.

Can you recommend a fitting product from your protofolio for this ?


For 0 Hz you need a wire, not a bridge. ;)

Any half bridge will do. At the moment it looks like you may only buy Chinese IBT-2 board with Infineon half bridges. All the others disappeared due to IC shortage.

My STM32 stuff on github - compact USB device stack and more:

Thanks for the fast answer.

Ofcourse it is not really 0 Hz, but if it switches like once per day, that is nearly 0 hz.

The problem with most half-bridges is that they use a bootstrap capacitor for the high side switch, which means you can not have a 100% duty cycle on a high level as the capacitor will not charge.

So we need something with a charge-pump or similar ?

Does somebody know a fitting chip ?


Just look at the board and check the datasheets of BTS or IFX007 family chips.

My STM32 stuff on github - compact USB device stack and more: