2017-06-11 11:47 AM
build using♯
Running an up-to-date Eclipse Ac6 session here is what happens when I try to build the &sharpX-CUBE-SPN7 demo application:
1.select File menu item2. select Open Projects from File System3. select Import Projects from File System or Archive4. click 'Archive...'5. choose file 'en.X-CUBE-SPN7.zip' and click 'open'6. displays 'en.X-CUBE-SPN7.zip_expanded' + 4 Nucleo 030/103/302/401 projects click 'Finish'An internal error occurred during:'C/C++ Indexer'
Details are: An internal error occurred during: 'C/C++ Indexer'. org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.pdom.PDOMProxy cannot be cast to org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.index.IWritableIndexFragment7. click OK
8. Right click on 'STM32F302R8-Nucleo Configuration' in Project Explorer tab9. select 'Build Project' from drop down listAn internal error occurred during:'C/C++ Indexer'
Details are: An internal error occurred during: 'C/C++ Indexer'. org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.pdom.PDOMProxy cannot be cast to org.eclipse.cdt.internal.core.index.IWritableIndexFragment- same error as before. Click 'OK'
The Problems tab displays:
Description Resource Path Location Typemake: *** No rule to make target `C:/Users/giuseppe scuderi-sl/Desktop/MOTOR CONTROL/Peppe/trunk/Firmware/X-CUBE-SPN7-MC-6STEP/Middlewares/ST/UART_serial_com/Src/UART_UI.c', needed by `Middlewares/UART_serial_com/UART_UI.o'. Stop. STM32F401RE-Nucleo Configuration C/C++ Problemmake: *** No rule to make target `C:/Users/giuseppe scuderi-sl/Desktop/MOTOR CONTROL/Peppe/trunk/Firmware/X-CUBE-SPN7-MC-6STEP/Projects/Multi/Examples/MotorControl/Src/main_F302.c', needed by `user/main_F302.o'. Stop. STM32F302R8-Nucleo C/C++ ProblemRepeating steps 8 and 9 selecting 'STM32F401RE-Nucleo Configuration' produces identical results.Analyzing the error message, the projects appear to have a hard path in the the project path 'C:/Users/giuseppe scuderi-sl/Desktop/MOTOR CONTROL/Peppe/trunk/Firmware/X-CUBE-SPN7-MC-6STEP/...'I want to build the project. First I need to load it into Eclipse.
How do I load the en.X-CUBE-SPN7.zip demo project into SW4ST Eclipse so the file paths are properly updated?
Failing that, how can I manually update the file paths?
#sw4st #ihm07a12017-06-12 12:32 AM
I replaced 'C:/Users/giuseppe scuderi-sl/Desktop/MOTOR CONTROL/Peppe/trunk/Firmware/X-CUBE-SPN7-MC-6STEP/' by 'PARENT-6-PROJECT_LOC/' in the .project file before importing it into the Workbench. This way it uses relative paths.
2017-06-20 8:09 AM
,Please use relative paths as mentioned by
. The issue is already highlighted internally and will be corrected on the coming version of the package. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.Khouloud.
2017-06-20 9:38 PM
Thanks for the tip on changing the project file to denote the file
locations. That suggestion worked. The 302R8 code compiles with the patch
to the project file applied.
However it is too big for a 302R8. The compiled code .bin file size is 78K.
The supplied .bin and .hex files supplied in folder
as the reference build sizes are 24 K for the .bin file and 67 K for the
.hex file.
I can program the F302R8 with the reference build 24K .bin file. I
cannot program the target with the 78K compiled .bin file.
On Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 11:10 AM, Khouloud G <st-microelectronics@jiveon.com
2017-07-23 5:02 AM
Have you found a solution for this problem?
2017-09-27 5:25 PM
The 1.1.0 release of SPN7 on the website resolves two issues:
1. Importing the project sets up correct file paths so the project can be built.
2. SW4ST/Ac6 builds a F302R8 binary file that fits in the F302R8 memory. ST-Link can now program the F302R8.
The default 6-step BLDC project now spins the IMH001 motor.
2018-11-09 4:35 AM
>The default 6-step BLDC project now spins the IMH001 motor.
I am having a different experience. The example code and binary both give me a stuttering, sputtering, non-spinning motor.
Never mind, jumper error on my part.