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STSPIN32F0A why so poor cpu performance?

Associate III

The STSPIN series is being touted to be able to do FOC but the embedded STM32F031 is hardly a mathematical genious. Being severely limited in clockrate as well makes proper FOC at any useable frequency for larger motors very hard.

I can see how FOC for a 50 HZ motor is ok, but try a 4000 commutations pr second smaller brushless motor with integral drive or FOC and you have a lot of math happening fast. Ideally I would like to see this chip with a 128 MHz cpu minimum and a stronger floatingpoint/math capability.

The lack of a proper chargepump also means the bootstrap has to work off the output limiting the duty cycle upper range.

I see someone has done 64 MHz for a display project. That would help.

Has anyone here tried overclocking this series?