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The STSPIN series is being touted to be able to do FOC but the embedded STM32F031 is hardly a mathematical genious. Being severely limited in clockrate as well makes proper FOC at any useable frequency for larger motors very hard.I can see how FOC fo...
I have run into problems with ADC of STSPIN32F0A (STM32F031C6) apparantly misbehaving.The ADC is running on it's own 14 MHz asynchronous clock while MCU runs at 48 MHz.After trying to measure current on the STEVAL-SPIN3202 board in 6-step setup I com...
The packs we can download contain entire STM32Fx series with include files for everything.When we select a specific MCU in CubeMX we should be able to use this to export a "clean" set of HAL and CMSIS files as well as potential low level boot/init f...
Seems like something is up with the extra memory in L071?I can access in in ST-LINK utility but through GBD/debugger I get unable to access or unable to read. Same st-link dongle used for both cases.CPU appears to use the memory above 0x20002000 fine...
I find it very impractical that CubeMX keeps regenerating entire project to update clock tree and/or adjust settings for some hw units and in so doing deletes the original folder by renaming it and creating a new one. It's job should be to aid in hal...
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