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STSPIN220 Microstepping


I currently am running a stepper motor with a STSPIN220. I wanted to configure the STSPIN220 into 1/8 step mode, but I cannot decipher what I need to do to configure the microcontroller to send out the proper command to set the STSPIN220 into 1/8 step mode. From all the datasheets/app notes I have read, there is multiple configuration inputs to configure the step resolution. For my example of 1/8 step, there are two possible configuration inputs. While the 1/256 step has four possible configuration inputs.

I would greatly appreciated someone's insight on how to work with these multiple configurations for step resolutions for the STSPIN220.

Cristiana SCARAMEL
ST Employee

Hello @TDiaz.1​ and welcome to the ST Community.

The resolution of the integrated microstepping sequencer of STSPIN220 is selected through the following digital inputs: MODE1, MODE2, MODE3/STCK and MODE4/DIR.

The value of the MODEx inputs is latched at power-up and when the device exits the STBY condition. After this, the input value is unimportant and the MODE3 and MODE4 inputs start operating as step-clock and direction input.

In your case - 1/8th step - you can choose alternatively one of the two configurations available in the Table 8 of the STSPIN220 datasheet

For more details you can refer to the application notes AN4923.

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