2012-05-11 6:45 AM
has anyone tried out to implement a sinusoidal commutation for STM32 controllers? I'm already working with a block commutation quite similar to that: http://www.mikrocontroller.net/articles/STM32_BLDC_Control_with_HALL_Sensor (also mentioned in some other post here). It works well but to improve efficiency, I'm working on sinusoidal commutation now, that means, I want to change the PWM duty cycle of one PWM block sinusoidal. At the moment it's constant over the whole commutation step. Whats the best way to do that? I tried to start another timer which changes the PWM duty cycle (CCR val of PWM timer) e.g. 20 times corresponding to a sinus-half-wave with 20 sampling points. These points I stored in a pre-calculated LUT. However when changing the PWM value in the IRQ Handler of the timer, the motor is jerking and vibrating more and the speed isn't constant anymore. I use a simple PI speed-controller. Does someone have a few tips for me? thanks in advance! regards, sebastian2012-06-07 9:14 PM
For a sine drive you don't want to use a 1/2 sine wave to modulate your voltage or current comand. You want to use only the portion from 60-120 degrees. Thus it starts and ends with a value of 0.866.
DaveF2012-06-22 1:30 AM
I don't understand. Of course I want to use 1/2 sine wave from 0-90° because the PWM ratio has to be low at beginning/end of a block and highest und the middle of one block. Or am I wrong?
regards, sebastian2012-08-28 10:20 AM
Yes of course, you are correct. I must have been asleep. I think what may have confused me is your reference to the ''commutation step''. For a sine drive all of the phases are driven simultaneously over the entire electrical cycle using center based PWM.
So phase A is modulated by sin(theta) where theta is the electrical angle. Similarly Phase B is modulated by sin(theta+120) and phase C by sin(theta=240). Note that the sine value goes positive and negative. You can use a simple LUT for this with 90degrees of sine data but you must make it negative in the appropriate place.Again, sorry for the previous confusion...DaveF