2018-10-16 07:58 AM
I am designing Stepper driver for NEMA17 motors which going to operate within range of 300RPM max. I am planning to use 42V to supply the motor and torque tests shows that 1A is sufficient to obtain the target.
What I have noticed on the first samples is that the driver get extremely hot after just 30sec of operation.
Since the software on my final application still not ready I am using the PC SW driving my board with L6470PD (https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/products/evaluation-tools/solution-evaluation-tools/motor-control-solution-eval-boards/steval-pcc009v2.html.
I have set it for microstepping / 1A running current.
I have tried to follow as much as possible to meet the layout recommendation, based on the dev kit (https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/products/evaluation-tools/solution-evaluation-tools/motor-control-solution-eval-boards/eval6470pd.html)
Regarding layout I am have a board 7x7cm with this driver mounted + other components 4 layer 1oz copper.
Could you kindly suggest what can I do to improve the heat dissipation in the most easiest and economical way?
Thank you in advance
Jacek Pieczaba
2019-03-05 09:25 PM
I added a heat sink to my L6470s to get them to perform just a little bit better. You could also turn down the current, or get a motor that has a higher phase resistance. If the package is getting that hot, then the motor may also be melting as well.