2011-12-22 6:03 AM
We have measured the output signals of the bridges in 1/128 and 1/32 step mode and we can’t see a different voltage resolution between these 2 modes (see attachment).
We have used the “GoTo�-command for the positioning, and mostly we can see a repositioning of the motor after the 4th step only in the 1/128-step mode (what confirms with the measured values).
Is there any limitation of the output resolution?Best Regards
2012-01-10 1:35 AM
Dear Mike,
the voltage resolution is limited by the integrated PWM modulator of the driver (8 bit).Using low KVAL values (in attached example you are operating below 10% of the full range), the voltage difference between two next microsteps could be below the PWM modulator limit.Kind RegardsEnrico2012-01-23 10:28 PM
Hi Encrico,
Yes, meanwhile I came to the same result; I have calculated it, and it fits to the measuring values. Is the maximum value (255) equal to 100% KVAL or is there any additional reserve? Regards Michael2012-01-25 5:10 AM
Hi Michael,
the maximum value of KVAL il 100% that is equivalent to a sinewave with a peak value equal to VS. There's no way to obtain higher values.RegardsEnrico