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How to access function pointer for driver file

Associate II

I'm using an x_nucleo_ihm03a1 powerSTEP01 module. I'm trying to understand the library ST has already made (X-CUBE_SPN3). Using ctrl+leftclick in CubeIDE, im tracing function calls to the files they were declared in. In the main.c file of the library i've traced a function called 'BSP_MotorControl_Move()' to the 'x_nucleo_ihmxxx,c' file. The function then uses a handler to call a function pointer:

motorDrvHandle->Move(deviceId, direction, stepCount);

Tracing the handler again to its decleration of the function pointer, I find this in a file called 'motor.h' (contains all the functions for the motor driver):

/// Function pointer to Move
  void (*Move)(uint8_t, motorDir_t, uint32_t );

The problem is I actually cant trace any further with ctrl+left click and so I am unable to understand how this function works at the register level. Does anyone have any guidance as to how I can actually find the origin of the function that this pointer points towards so i can see how the function actually works?


Go to the place where it initizes the function table, likely a list of names going in a structure. MOTOR_VTable_t ??

Perhaps try greping the source for the motorDir_t type and the functions using it as a parameter?

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motorDrvHandle is a structure pointer. Its Move member is the function pointer. To learn the function, you must search the code for Move's assignment. It may initialise it directly, e.g. motorDrvHandle->Move = someFunction, or it may be with motorDrvHandle's initialisation, e.g. motorDrvHandle = &someStructure.

Cristiana SCARAMEL
ST Employee

Hello @ZHama.1​ 

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Senior III

I agree that X-CUBE-SPN3 is not simple. Also it is not reentrant! And also problem is X-CUBE-SPN3 use

"union powerstep01_Init_u initDeviceParameters" but SPINFamily use a lot of defines in powerstep01_target_config.h. It is hard to copy from SPINFamily to X-CUBE-SPN3.

@ZHama.1​  If you are looking bodies of functions see powerstep01.c

@Cristiana SCARAMEL​ did you plan to fix SPINFamily ?

Enrico Poli
ST Employee

Hello @dungeonlords789​ ,

We do not have in roadmap an update of the SPINFamily.

For the integration of the "powerstep01_target_config.h" into the X-CUBE-SPN3 you replace the struct initialization part in main.c with following code:

/* Initialization parameters for current mode */
union powerstep01_Init_u initDeviceParameters =
  /* common parameters */
  .vm.cp.cmVmSelection = POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_CM_VM_DEVICE_0, // enum powerstep01_CmVm_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_ACC_DEVICE_0, // Acceleration rate in step/s2, range 14.55 to 59590 steps/s^2
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_DEC_DEVICE_0, // Deceleration rate in step/s2, range 14.55 to 59590 steps/s^2
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_MAX_SPEED_DEVICE_0, // Maximum speed in step/s, range 15.25 to 15610 steps/s
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_MIN_SPEED_DEVICE_0, // Minimum speed in step/s, range 0 to 976.3 steps/s
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_LSPD_BIT_DEVICE_0, // Low speed optimization bit, enum powerstep01_LspdOpt_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_FS_SPD_DEVICE_0, // Full step speed in step/s, range 7.63 to 15625 steps/s
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_BOOST_MODE_DEVICE_0, // Boost of the amplitude square wave, enum powerstep01_BoostMode_t
  281.25, // Overcurrent threshold settings via enum powerstep01_OcdTh_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_STEP_MODE_DEVICE_0, // Step mode settings via enum motorStepMode_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_SYNC_MODE_DEVICE_0, // Synch. Mode settings via enum powerstep01_SyncSel_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_ALARM_EN_DEVICE_0, // Alarm settings via bitmap enum powerstep01_AlarmEn_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_IGATE_DEVICE_0, // Gate sink/source current via enum powerstep01_Igate_t 
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_TBOOST_DEVICE_0, // Duration of the overboost phase during gate turn-off via enum powerstep01_Tboost_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_TCC_DEVICE_0, // Controlled current time via enum powerstep01_Tcc_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_WD_EN_DEVICE_0, // External clock watchdog, enum powerstep01_WdEn_t  
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_TBLANK_DEVICE_0, // Duration of the blanking time via enum powerstep01_TBlank_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_TDT_DEVICE_0, // Duration of the dead time via enum powerstep01_Tdt_t
  /* current mode parameters */
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_TVAL_HOLD_DEVICE_0, // Hold torque in mV, range from 7.8mV to 1000 mV
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_TVAL_RUN_DEVICE_0, // Running torque in mV, range from 7.8mV to 1000 mV 
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_TVAL_ACC_DEVICE_0, // Acceleration torque in mV, range from 7.8mV to 1000 mV
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_TVAL_DEC_DEVICE_0, // Deceleration torque in mV, range from 7.8mV to 1000 mV
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_TOFF_FAST_DEVICE_0, //Maximum fast decay time , enum powerstep01_ToffFast_t 
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_FAST_STEP_DEVICE_0, //Maximum fall step time , enum powerstep01_FastStep_t 
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_TON_MIN_DEVICE_0, // Minimum on-time in us, range 0.5us to 64us
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_TOFF_MIN_DEVICE_0, // Minimum off-time in us, range 0.5us to 64us 
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_CLOCK_SETTING_DEVICE_0, // Clock setting , enum powerstep01_ConfigOscMgmt_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_SW_MODE_DEVICE_0, // External switch hard stop interrupt mode, enum powerstep01_ConfigSwMode_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_TQ_REG_DEVICE_0, // External torque regulation enabling , enum powerstep01_ConfigEnTqReg_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_VS_COMP_DEVICE_0, // Motor Supply Voltage Compensation enabling , enum powerstep01_ConfigEnVscomp_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_OC_SD_DEVICE_0, // Over current shutwdown enabling, enum powerstep01_ConfigOcSd_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_UVLOVAL_DEVICE_0, // UVLO Threshold via powerstep01_ConfigUvLoVal_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_VCCVAL_DEVICE_0, // VCC Val, enum powerstep01_ConfigVccVal_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_TSW_DEVICE_0, // Switching period, enum powerstep01_ConfigTsw_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_PRED_DEVICE_0, // Predictive current enabling , enum powerstep01_ConfigPredEn_t 
/* Initialization parameters for voltage mode */
union powerstep01_Init_u initDeviceParameters =
  /* common parameters */
  .vm.cp.cmVmSelection = POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_CM_VM_DEVICE_0, // enum powerstep01_CmVm_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_ACC_DEVICE_0, // Acceleration rate in step/s2, range 14.55 to 59590 steps/s^2
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_DEC_DEVICE_0, // Deceleration rate in step/s2, range 14.55 to 59590 steps/s^2
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_MAX_SPEED_DEVICE_0, // Maximum speed in step/s, range 15.25 to 15610 steps/s
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_MIN_SPEED_DEVICE_0, // Minimum speed in step/s, range 0 to 976.3 steps/s
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_LSPD_BIT_DEVICE_0, // Low speed optimization bit, enum powerstep01_LspdOpt_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_FS_SPD_DEVICE_0, // Full step speed in step/s, range 7.63 to 15625 steps/s
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_BOOST_MODE_DEVICE_0, // Boost of the amplitude square wave, enum powerstep01_BoostMode_t
  281.25, // Overcurrent threshold settings via enum powerstep01_OcdTh_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_STEP_MODE_DEVICE_0, // Step mode settings via enum motorStepMode_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_SYNC_MODE_DEVICE_0, // Synch. Mode settings via enum powerstep01_SyncSel_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_ALARM_EN_DEVICE_0, // Alarm settings via bitmap enum powerstep01_AlarmEn_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_IGATE_DEVICE_0, // Gate sink/source current via enum powerstep01_Igate_t 
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_TBOOST_DEVICE_0, // Duration of the overboost phase during gate turn-off via enum powerstep01_Tboost_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_TCC_DEVICE_0, // Controlled current time via enum powerstep01_Tcc_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_WD_EN_DEVICE_0, // External clock watchdog, enum powerstep01_WdEn_t  
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_TBLANK_DEVICE_0, // Duration of the blanking time via enum powerstep01_TBlank_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_TDT_DEVICE_0, // Duration of the dead time via enum powerstep01_Tdt_t
  /* voltage mode parameters */
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_KVAL_HOLD_DEVICE_0, // Hold duty cycle (torque) in %, range 0 to 99.6%
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_KVAL_RUN_DEVICE_0, // Run duty cycle (torque) in %, range 0 to 99.6%
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_KVAL_ACC_DEVICE_0, // Acceleration duty cycle (torque) in %, range 0 to 99.6%
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_KVAL_DEC_DEVICE_0, // Deceleration duty cycle (torque) in %, range 0 to 99.6%
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_INT_SPD_DEVICE_0, // Intersect speed settings for BEMF compensation in steps/s, range 0 to 3906 steps/s
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_ST_SLP_DEVICE_0, // BEMF start slope settings for BEMF compensation in % step/s, range 0 to 0.4% s/step
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_FN_SLP_ACC_DEVICE_0, // BEMF final acc slope settings for BEMF compensation in % step/s, range 0 to 0.4% s/step
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_FN_SLP_DEC_DEVICE_0, // BEMF final dec slope settings for BEMF compensation in % step/s, range 0 to 0.4% s/step
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_K_THERM_DEVICE_0, // Thermal compensation param, range 1 to 1.46875
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_STALL_TH_DEVICE_0, // Stall threshold settings in mV, range 31.25mV to 1000mV
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_CLOCK_SETTING_DEVICE_0, // Clock setting , enum powerstep01_ConfigOscMgmt_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_SW_MODE_DEVICE_0, // External switch hard stop interrupt mode, enum powerstep01_ConfigSwMode_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_VS_COMP_DEVICE_0, // Motor Supply Voltage Compensation enabling , enum powerstep01_ConfigEnVscomp_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_OC_SD_DEVICE_0, // Over current shutwdown enabling, enum powerstep01_ConfigOcSd_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_UVLOVAL_DEVICE_0, // UVLO Threshold via powerstep01_ConfigUvLoVal_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_VCCVAL_DEVICE_0, // VCC Val, enum powerstep01_ConfigVccVal_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_PWM_DIV_DEVICE_0, // PWM Frequency Integer division, enum powerstep01_ConfigFPwmInt_t
  POWERSTEP01_CONF_PARAM_PWM_MUL_DEVICE_0, // PWM Frequency Integer Multiplier, enum powerstep01_ConfigFPwmDec_t

Then you only need to include the "powerstep01_target_config.h"

#include "powerstep01_target_config.h"

The mapping is quite straight forward with the only exception of the Overcurrent Threshold that is in float format in the X-CUBE-SPN3 and enumerated in the SPINFamily config file.