2019-06-21 12:06 AM
Here is my email for further contacts: gevorg.m2002@gmail.com
2019-07-18 6:23 PM
The ST-LINK/V2 needs VAPP and the EVAL board needs NRST, both connected via the JTAG/SWD cable; pins 1 & 2 for VAPP and pin 15 for NRST. However, there is no place to connect these on the EVAL board. The only place to sense VDD is from capacitor C9 and the only place to insert NRST is on capacitor C5, so we soldered a wire onto the end of each capacitor. Probably not what the EVAL board designer had in mind I suspect!
1) Soldered a wire onto C5 to access NRST and put that into pin 15 of the JTAG/SWD cable for reset. (Doesn't work without this connection).
2) Soldered a wire onto capacitor C9 that has VDD of the EVAL board and ran it to pin 2 of the JTAG/SWD cable, so VDD now goes into the ST-LINK programmer so it knows the operating voltage of the 2V1. There is no mention of any of this in the documentation, and, no way to access VDD or NRST with a normal connector or solder pad. The only way to make these connections is by soldering onto tiny components. Very strange! It would be interesting to understand what the designer had in mind for flashing this EVAL board!!! Now that we have successfully flashed the EVAL unit, we find that the documentation lacks information on running the board. A red LED comes ON and the motor stops randomly, for no apparent reason. Without any explanation of why errors might occur, the only way to debug is to read the very complex source code that has very limited comments. We will try to resolve the operational problem of the motor/ESC stopping randomly, but may have to reach out for help on this as well. It is understandable that EVAL products may not be as well tested and documented as production products, but it is certainly challenging to evaluate the underlying IC's.
See the attached photo that shows where the wires for NRST and Vdd/Vapp were soldered onto the tops of capacitors for access to these points (black and dark green). The white and light green are the PWM input.