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GUI L99615C Software issue



I have a problem with connection L99615 with dedicated software STSW-L99615C. First of all, there is no automatic connection to the com port (I read that it is possible, so I made it manually but it still looks strange - one time I saw that my computer connects automatically with board, but only one time). When I try to run any script I receive information "Running scripts, please wait". And that's all, nothong happend - I must restart the whole application. When I try to upload any csv script (also dedicated for this application) in Register Load, only the two first positions in Register Sequence become green or it is possible to run only command "pause", never "write". In Message Log I can see only "transmit" type of the message (which are coming from connection com port part - visible command "firmware version"), no more. What could be a problem?