2015-11-12 1:50 AM
hi, i want to know where can i get the source code for eval-L6470 board default firmware? i got fwpspin_discoveryboard_v205.hex file, it work but shows error light i want to trace the error so i need the source code. i only find firmware with library project but i looks little different with fwspin one
2015-11-12 12:18 PM
what error light are you talking about?
2015-11-12 4:40 PM
In the case the ready led and error led switch on and not blinking. i read the user manual it shows:
– either the board ID is not recognized by the FW (bad FW versions used)– or there is a problem with the SPI (no connection between the MCU and the L6470via the SPI)– or there is no 5 V - 45 V DC power supply.i'm sure the power supply is fine then i replace the L6470 chip problem still there.2016-01-07 9:23 AM
For question regarding stepper motor control I suggest to try this forumhttps://my.st.com/public/STe2ecommunities/motordriver_ics/Lists/Motor%20Driver%20ICs%20and%20Boards
Ciao Gigi