2021-04-24 10:46 PM
Hi there
I've recently started working with st10f275 microcontroller. I am totally confused. I can't event find its datasheet! which compiler, ide, programmer should I use?
Could anyone guide me?
Thanks in advance.
2021-04-25 5:44 AM
>>I've recently started working with st10f275 microcontroller.
Bit late to the party there, isn't this obsolete already?
Based on the old C166 designs
Try related data sheets https://www.st.com/en/automotive-microcontrollers/st10f276e.html
>>Could anyone guide me?
Is this a well paid role?
2021-04-25 6:10 AM
Thanks for the comment. I'm using Keil and S10flasher. this is the report of S10flasher, but It doesn't work. I don't know how to debug my code.
Size = 1315 bytes.
Programming time = 2 s.
*Set com parameters:COM3, 9600 bauds-->OK
*Lost of monitor communication
Reset the board and reload the monitor
2021-04-25 8:11 AM
Lacking the type of hardware debug pods of modern times one might need to consider GPIO pins and UART output to report internal state information, and add monitor type functionality (ie command line debug running within the device) like MON166
Or the use of emulators. where the chip is replaced by hardware that basically spoofs that of the target.
2021-04-25 8:45 AM
You might need antiquated computers and equipment to do this, I expect this might be hard to source and/or expensive.
Has your company worked on these devices before? Any particular reason to use 20 year old devices?
2021-04-25 11:20 PM
thanks for reply and recommendation. I just want to initialize its uart and gpio.
our company had a project 15 years ago and now I want to modify it a little.
I have written a very simple code, but it doesn't work.
Thanks a lot.
#include <stdio.h> /* standard I/O .h-file */
#include <XC161.h> /* special function register XC161 */
#include <math.h>
/* main program */
void main (void) {
volatile int i=0;
DP0L = 0xFFFF;
DP3_P10 = 1;
DP3_P11 = 1;
while (1) {
P3_P10 = 1;
P3_P11 = 1;
P3_P10 = 0;
P3_P11 = 0;