2009-10-13 9:34 AM
What is GPIO_IPInputConnected_Enable ?
2011-05-17 12:58 AM
Dear All,
Can anybody tell me, what is use of GPIO_IPInputConnected_Enable ? When this to be enable or disable ? Does it mean if a pin is Input Function pin then above property of pin should be enable or if it is Output Function pin then above property should be disabled ? Suppose I initialised a pin for any output function & I enabled ''IPInputConnected'' property for the same pin, then can I read the status of that pin by library function ? Please clearify me if anybody knows it . Regards, Sachin Bhujbal2011-05-17 12:58 AM
I have the same understanding as s_bhujbal. Any one can clarify it for us?
Thanks2011-05-17 12:58 AM
Nope, IPInputEnabled connects the pin with the peripheral Alternate Function inputs. Imagine UART Rx as an example.
The standard GPIO doesn't need this option enabled. See Fig. 28 in RefMan and pin allocation table in Datasheet.