2008-10-26 9:31 AM
2011-05-17 12:56 AM
Hi Naik,
Well, what is exactly the goal of your TCP/IP implemtation ? Are you looking to run an embedded HTTP server, or just a BSD socket like. looks little bit confused from my side. You spoke about UDP and UIP as the same type of things, but it's not. About UDP -> It's a protocol you should use in following case : Reliability of connection is not important (what's the matter if 2 packets on 100 have been lost). One main use for UDP socket is TV streaming or Radio streaming through internet. Also VOIP use this kind of protocol. But never FTP will use this service, for example. The main characteristic is to doesn't acknowledge received packet, as it's done with the TCP layer. UIP is a library, optimized for light CPU, able to run some TCP or UDP service. At this moment, with UIP, i have a telnet server and a DHCP client on my STR912. Keep in mind, with UIP, only 1 service (server) TCP and 1 UDP is possible. Impossible for example to have, on the same plateform, 1 WEB server and 1 telnet server without unofficial patch. Regards. Damien.2011-05-17 12:56 AM
Take a look at the uTasker project. Online demo at Regards Mark2011-05-17 12:56 AM
I want to use Ethernet port availabe on STr9 and interface my system using TCP / IP protocol. I searched for the ready code availabe on ST9 application notes , but i could not get implementation for TCP protocol for transport layer. all i got is either UDP or UIP. Has anyone tried to implement or got any sample source for TCP ? How difficult or complex it is to implement TCP protocol? Also i donnot know what exactly UIP protocol is ? Dose all or maximum applications ( TCP /IP) use UDP or UIP for transport layer ? Can anyone give me likes where i can get more details for TCP implementations ? regards, NN.