2024-04-29 6:06 AM
Hi I am a new user, Can any please tell me which software do I need to use for STEVAl STRKT01? My aim is to transmit lora signal and received this signal on spectrum analyzer.
2024-04-29 6:17 AM
Have you studied the documentation:
2024-04-29 7:38 AM
Yes, I have checked the documents. It does not tell about which software to use to access the device.
2024-04-29 7:51 AM
Your read the UM2541 User Manual ?
And looked on the 'Software' tab?
2024-04-29 7:54 AM
Thank you very much, I will try to use this software.
2024-04-29 8:11 AM
Does it have any hardware driver?
2024-04-29 9:11 AM
Read the User Manual UM2487, Getting started with the STM32Cube function pack for IoT tracker node with LoRa® connectivity, GNSS and sensors
2024-07-11 4:58 AM
Hi Andrew,
I am trying to change device join parameters using serial communication via Putty. It doesnot get changed
2024-07-11 6:00 AM
2024-07-11 11:20 AM
I have updated my firmware of STEVAL-STRKT01 using st nucleo board. The firmware is a binary file file with location {en.fp-atr-lora\STM32CubeFunctionPack_LORA1_V2.2.0\Projects\STEVAL-STRKT01\Applications\LoRa\Asset_Tracker\Binary\STEVAL_STRKT01_EU868.bin}
I have access the module using putty.
The output in putty is
ST Microelectronics
LoRa Smart Tracker firmware
LoRa IOT tracker app version: 2.2.0
Battery voltage 0.00 V
Battery charge: 0%
Charger status 9
Got sensor data: T: 28.15 H: 50.77 P: 1014.20
Accelerometer: X: 25 Y: -61 Z: -976
Got coordinates: 52.764061 N, 1.242864 W, ALT:110.160004
19/11/20 16:00:57 - 0 sats - Fix 0
Battery voltage 0.00 V
Battery charge: 0%
Charger status 9
Processing command: ?devicejoinparam
DevEui(FromMcuId) = 32 37 32 38 4C 37 7B 08
Application uses the Over-the-Air activation procedure.
Active keys:
DevEui = 32 37 32 38 4C 37 7B 02
JoinEui = 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
AppKey = 5F 06 5A 8B 60 5A 0C 2E 12 3C E1 30 5D 53 28 E4
NwkKey = 5F 06 5A 8B 60 5A 0C 2E 12 3C E1 30 5D 53 28 E4
Command complete
I have registered this on ttn network as well. image attached.