2007-06-10 9:30 PM
2007-05-17 11:12 PM
Hello, we are using a evaluation board : Steval-ILL004V2, is a phase control dimer. The CPU is ST7LITEUS5. I�cant communicate with Rlink, all the signals are correct : Reset, Vss, ICCCLK, ICCDATA, CLKIN, VDD and the LED from Rlink are: PWR on, Busy on (when try to comunicate), Run off. I like to work with Visual develop from ST7 Version 3.3.3, and after chose the right CPU the following message is show: ''ERROR 41607: chip not responding check MCU selection, clock, Power supply, ICC connection and ICC signal voltage'' I change the cpu for other new chip (thinking in chip defect) but the same. After that I try to communicate also with RIDE (BN 746) . I chose ''Option'' - ''Debug'' - ''Real machine'' . ''Rlink'' - ''Advancved options'' (ST7LITEUS5) , ''ignore option bits'' is selecteed. and followings answers: ''Connect Rlink and read serial number: Successful connection to Rlink: Serial Number dngStd004002281 Firmware Version: 0.0.3 '' ''Read target option bytes: Communication error: Timeout error sending on USB: WDU_Transfer() failed: error 0xc0000005 (''HC status:Device not responding'')'' Thank you Hello again I wrote the above lines in the forum but I have not response. Is our first time for use Rlink device and I do not know if the device is Ok or not. We has buy to you 2 months ago and now we need to start to work with it. I� m trying to communicate also with STR730 (Steval-INF002V1) and does not work also. Can some body tellme some thing ?
2007-05-21 12:23 AM
I had a look to the application note, did you check the jumpers ? The J4 and J5 must be removed and the switch S2 must be set on button position (S2 connect input 1 to 2, refer to the schematic fig 2) . Is your board powered ? Because the Rlink does not power the target board ! For STR7 issue, I suggest you to enter a dedicated post on the STR7-ARM7 forum. Best regards Laurent [ This message was edited by: laubey on 21-05-2007 15:24 ]2007-05-28 8:52 PM
Yes all the jumpers are correct J4 an J5 are open and S2 is open also (button position).
I externaly power the steval with 5 Vdc directly to condenser C5 and we check +5Vdc in pin 1 (refer to 8) of F7 Ultralite (I do it becouse I do not shure if Rlink device is isolate port and Eval board must to be powered at 220 Vac)2007-06-10 9:30 PM
We assume that you burned the Rlink because with Rlink you need to protect it from the 220v as warned in page 3 of the application note. The STEVAL-ILL004V2 has a capacitive power supply and therefore there is no insulation. In case user needs to debug the application (or program it when powered) it must insure the insulation for ICD (In Circuit Debug) such as Softec one or with an insulation transformer. Concerning your Rlink, you have to contact Raisonance atmailto:info@raisonance.com
, they propose to exchange your Rlink for free (only carriage at your charge). Best regards Laurent