2007-10-10 11:30 PM
2007-09-18 11:26 PM
Hello Sir
I design new PCB for ST10F269, I use function Digital I/O analog I/O and RS232 transmit and receive the value .I use crystal 8MHz,But I don't use EXTERNAL RAM and EXTERNAL FLASH. And now I have a problem with the value into Hyper terminal incorrect ,I think The baud rate is not match, I'm check switch D15 D14 D13 for clock , It's not working. If somebody have a good idea for this please give one's opinion thank you2007-09-19 12:19 AM
Hello sagai,
I suspect you have a start-up problem. Could you please tell me what is the hardware on RPD pon (pin 84)? A special hardware must be connected on this pin in order to ensure a good reset and a good sampling of port0 (clock etc...). More details are given in the application notes available on the following links: http://www.st.com/stonline/products/literature/an/8594.pdf http://www.st.com/stonline/products/literature/an/8906.pdf Hope this helps you, Please let me know if you have any question. Best regards, Najoua.2007-09-19 3:12 PM
Thank you sir for your reply .
My point of quation is can i get st10 to work without using EXTERNAL RAM and EXTERNAL FLASH ? Base on st10 desing from eva269 board of FS Forth to answer you qoution about hardware on RPD pon (pin 84) i use R 220 K and C 10 uF pullup.2007-09-19 8:56 PM
Hello sagai,
Yes of course you don't need external memories (RAM or Flash ) to get the ST10 to work. The external RAM on the FS FORTH board is used for debug purposes. The external Flash can be used if the user application size is greater than the internal Flash size. Regards, Najoua.2007-09-19 11:51 PM
I did remove jumper J1 on eva269 board for stop using external ram and the result still same as my own design the problem was the values that show in hyper terminal is incorrect only show .............
my st10 circuit design base on FS FORTH model eva269 . Do you have any ideal to pointing me into right direction to get st10 running without using any external ram2007-09-23 9:57 PM
Hello Sagai,
Could you please tell me from where you are executing your application? I suppose from the Flash. If this is the case, I suppose that you are using the ST10Flasher tool to load the code in the Flash. Could you please tell me what are the steps done to load and to run your application? Is it possible to give me your code to have a look at it? Regards, Najoua.2007-09-24 9:06 PM
Thank you sir for your reply .
I did open st10 flasher - enter the bootstrap loader mode - reset the st10 - click the erase flash button command - click on the Program - Verify button command Do you have any ideal to setting menu of st10 flasher thank you Best regards sagai2007-09-27 9:42 PM
Hello sagai,
You can refer to the AN on the following link It shows the guidelines to use the ST10Flasher tool. Regards, Najoua.2007-09-30 11:03 PM
Hello Sir,
Thank you sir for your reply. I would like to get example of demo code that send output Thur RS232 do any one have that kind of code for me to study how it work ? Thank you very much Best regards, sagai.